大洋路两天一夜 Great Ocean Road 2 Days (Code: M011)
起始价格 $199.00
天数: 2;
8人成团 周二、四、日出发(预订时请先询问)
第一天: 大洋路 (Great Ocean Road),位于墨尔本西部,是澳大利亚最著名的自然景观之一 。 早上从墨尔本出发,导游将一路为您讲解沿途沿途风光与大洋路历史。大洋路全长约276公里,建于悬崖峭壁中间,起点自托尔坎(Torquay),终点于亚伦斯福特(Allansford)。这条全长近300公里的海滨公路沿着维多利亚州西海岸蜿蜒伸展,一路您可将壮丽的海洋风光尽收眼底。我们首先到Geelong Eastern Beach,这里有由当地著名艺术家创作的104尊大型彩色木人雕像。之后我们前往大洋路的起点Torquay自费午餐。接着途经著名的冲浪沙滩Bells Beach、静谧的风情小镇Anglesea,之后到达Split Point Lighthouse观赏Eagle Rock 与灯塔。继续前往Great Ocean Road牌坊了解大洋路历史,拜访可爱小镇Lorne, 在Look Out登高观景,无限风光尽收眼底。接下来带您寻访观看野生考拉,亲手喂七彩大鹦鹉。黄昏时分,前往Apollo Bay自费晚餐,您可在这风景绝好之处欣赏色彩瑰丽的晚霞。之后我们将乘车前往Great Otway National Park,到寂静无声的森林深处寻觅神秘蓝光虫,并欣赏浩瀚星空。之后夜宿Apollo bay。
第二天:早上带您观赏Apollo Bay浪漫的朝霞, 然后到Otway treetop walk体验雨林云端漫步,感受这里热带雨林的风情。 拜访Loch Ard Gorge洛克阿德峡谷与Port Campbell坎贝尔海港, 在Twelve Apostles 十二门徒观景,在此您可自费乘坐直升飞机,更好的欣赏十二门徒,感受自然之鬼斧神工。继往Gibson’s steps吉普森台阶,是大洋路海边风景独好的观景之处, 再到Arch,观赏海水雕饰成的天然拱门,以及形状工整对称的天然石桥London Bridge伦敦桥,接着前往The Grotto 、Bay of the Island,观赏别有洞天的石崖及巨型天然礁石形成的微型海湾,。之后途径Colac,我们将于晚上约7点30分返回墨尔本,结束愉快难忘的旅途!
Day 1: First stop is Geelong Eastern Beach. We shall have a sightseeing around Geelong areas and see Poppy Kettle Fountain.
Have a lunch in Torquay (your own experience). After lunch, have a Bells Beach sightseeing and visit a town, Anglesea.
Next stop is Split Point Lighthouse.
And then, drive on Great Ocean Rad and will have a dinner in Apollo bay (your own experience).
After dinner, drive to Great Otway National Park and stay at Apollo bay's hotel at night.
Day 2: Having a exciting experience of Otway treetop walking. And then, visiting Loch Ard Gorge and Port Campbell.
Next, we will have a Twelve Apostles sightseeing. Taking helicopter (you own experience).
Drive to Gibson's steps and visit Arch. Drive to the Grotto and Bay of the island.
Go back to Melbourne city at 7:30.
motel/4星酒店住宿,舒适旅游用车,Otway treetop walk 景点门票,专业华人司机兼导游
(1) 旅游团预定一旦确认后,团费需要即时付清。如果出发前29至8天内取消,扣每位团费50%,出团前7天内取消,团费不予退款。
(3) 如果我们确认的接机客人所乘航班比预计到达时间晚到超过30分钟后,我们的导游将 不再机场等候。请客人自费乘车来参团或自动放弃此天活动,所缴团费概不退还。
(4) 如因参加人数不足,本社保留更改、取消之权力或无息偿还团友全部費用。
(5) 本公司强烈建议客人购买旅游保险,如在行程中由于旅游车机械故障,天气因素等不可抗力影响下造成任何意外事件而令行程更改或取消,本公司不予负责赔偿。个人物品或行李自行妥善保管,如有遗失,组团社不承担责任。
(6) 请注意:在特殊情况下列如人数,天气,交通,接送机等原因但不只限于此原因,本公司保留修改行程,取消或替换旅游项目,延长或缩短路程的权利。
Note: all payments on self-paying activities shall be given to the local Chinese-speaking tour guide for bookings prior departure.
inclusions: 4 nights twin shared/ double bed hotel room with breakfast,
comfortable coach, Chinese speaking tour guide, return ferry from
Kangaroo Island and Cape Jevis, seal bay and Flinders Chase National
Park entrance fees and barbecue lunch buffet. Free airport pickup and
hotel set down.
exclusions: tickets for attractions (own expense), lunch / dinner, tour
guide service fee $5 per person per day, other own expense, peak season
(holiday or special event) hotel extra charge, single room supplement
and travel insurance.
Terms and Conditions for booking and cancellation
(1) Tour fare has to be made once the tour confirms. 50% tour fare deduction if cancellation between 8 to 29 days prior to departure day. No refund before 7 days of tour departure.
(2) To protect the interests of all clients, please notify them to wait in the departure or pick up locations on time. This is considered as automatically waiver if clients are no show or late and the tour fare shall not be refunded.
(3) If clients’ flights delay more than 30 minutes, our tour guide will not wait for them at the airport. Clients should go to join the tour by themselves or cancel that day’s activities. No tour fare will be refunded.
(4) Our travel agent the right to change or cancel the tour if there are not enough participants. Full fare will be refunded to clients.
(5) We highly recommend clients to purchase travel insurance. Our travel agent is not responsible for any compensation if itinerary changing or cancellation is caused by mechanical breakdowns or adverse weather conditions. Personal belongings or baggage have to be taken care by clients. Travel agent will not responsible for any lost.
(6) Please note: Our travel agent reserves the right to modify the itinerary, cancel the activities or replace different activities if necessary subject to no. of participants, weather and traffic conditions.