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蛋糕岩蓝光虫洞一日游(四人成团) Wedding Cake Rock and Glowworm Tour (Code: SYD101)

起始价格 $130.00

天数: 1; 语言: 普通话; 接送机: 指定地点;

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9:00 从唐人街Holiday inn集合出发。

10:30 抵达悉尼南边著名的皇家国家公园,在国家公园内可看到南太平洋的风景,陡峭的山崖、深蓝的那太平洋,沿途鸟语花香,每年5-10月份,常常观赏到鲸鱼,徒步约45分钟后可以看到著名的蛋糕石,这是悬崖边一块方方正正的石头,形状颜色像极了豆腐,当地人也称为奶酪石,公园门口的介绍称之为婚礼蛋糕石,岩石乳白颜色,边缘切割整齐,天然形成,洁白如玉,当地华人都称其为豆腐石,在豆腐岩留影后沿原路返回。 

12:30 集合前往当地小镇用午餐(午餐请自理) 

13:30 集合前往萤火虫洞,开始今天的萤火虫之旅。澳洲的蓝光萤火虫喜好生活在昏暗潮湿的地下岩洞中,幼虫会发光吐丝,这些水晶串珠就是萤火虫幼虫分泌出的附有水珠般黏液的半透明细丝,丝线具有粘性,夜间飞过洞中的小型昆虫碰到丝线之后就会被牢牢粘住,感知震动的萤火虫幼虫就会慢慢将线收起,把被抓猎物吃掉。由于这里气候潮湿,给萤火虫的繁殖提供了很好的环境,在洞内可以看到成百上千的萤火虫,犹如闪闪的星空,仿佛置身于星河之中。 

16:00 集合返回悉尼市区

注:行程先后、及时间安排仅供参考,请以当天实际行程为准。1. 如遇自然灾害,导致国家公园关闭,将更换游览巴尔德山观景平台、海崖大桥、卧龙岗,萤火虫洞行程照旧。2. 如遇暴雨洞内积水严重或萤火虫洞临时保护性关闭,不能进洞,将更换游览巴尔德山观景平台、海崖大桥,蛋糕岩行程照旧。

Departure from the Holiday Inn Hotel which closes to Chinatown.

10:30 Arrive at the famous Royal National Park. You will see the scenery of South Pacific and steep cliffs. From May to October, the whales could be seen. You will see the famous Wedding Cake Rock after 45 minutes walking.  This is a square stone on cliff edge. Because the shape and color looks like tofu, it was seem as cheese stone.

12:30 Have a lunch in  Bundeena. (Excludes Lunch)

13:30 Drive to glowworm cave.

16:00 Return to Sydney


Note: In case of special circumstances (excess water in tunnel, bad weather, forced closure etc.) and tunnel is not accessible, We will change the destination to Sri Venkateswara Temple, Bald Hill Reserve and Sea Cliff Bridge.


1) 悉尼皇家国家公园一日游(含国家公园入园费)
2) 蓝光萤火虫洞参观(如遇各种因素导致萤火虫洞关闭,将换为将更换游览巴尔德山观景平台、海崖大桥)
3) 悉尼指定地点往返接送
4) 中文导游讲解




  1. 因人數不足(少於四人)或天氣原因,本公司有權在啟程前或啟程後取消或更改行程,也有權縮短或延長旅程。

    2. 團友旅遊安全由各交通公司、旅店、各旅遊景點等直接負責,與本公司無關。建議各位遊客購買旅行保險。

    3. 如團友因任何事故未能參團,取消辦法:(1)出發11天前不收费,2)10-6天前扣團費50%;(3)出發前6天內取消,所交費用概不退還。


    5. 參加特色遊系列的團友必須在車上經導遊訂購門票,不能預先自購,否則客人須補回每人每天$50。並於每天完團時收取。

    6. 團友必須在車上經導遊訂購門票,不能預先自購,否則客人須補回每人每天$20,並於每天完團時收取。

    7. 如團友不參加某項自費活動,導遊將安排在此景點自由活動直至正常集合時間。

    8. 完團後,將會收取每人$5服務費。

    1. Our agent reserves the right to cancel or vary a tour prior to departure due to insufficient numbers and adjust the itinerary as it sees fit to ensure the smooth running of the tour.

    2. Our agent acts only as an agent for the owners, contractors and suppliers provided and assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage to baggage or property or for any injury, illness or death or for any damages or claims whatsoever caused arising directly or indirectly from accidents, loss or damage to person or property, delays, transport failure, strikes, wars and uprisings or acts of God etc. over which the Company has no control. Our agent highly recommends all travelers to purchase Travel Insurance prior to departure.

    3. All cancellations must be made in writing to our agent and will be subject to the following cancellation charges from the date the written cancellation is received: 3 days prior to departure - 75% of total tour cost; 3 days or less prior to departure - 100% of total tour cost No refunds for late or no show. All flights are NON refundable or NON changeable.

    4. Prices are subject to change without notice. All admissions must be purchased through Our agent Tour Guides. If guests purchase their own admissions, transportation to attractions will not be provided.

    5. Passengers must book the admission tickets through the tour guide. Otherwise, passengers will have to pay a surcharge to the tour guide $50/person/day (Classic Coach tour).

    6. All passengers must purchase admission tickets through the tour guide. Should tickets be purchased independently, a surcharge of $20/person/day will apply.

    7. Those not participating in the optional tours will have free time to be spent at their leisure until the allocated meeting time.

    8. The tipping fee of $5/person will be collected by the tour guide upon conclusion of the tour.



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